
Picture collections

The following web sites are big markets to collect pictures and/or informations about the screen saver:
Description URL
Many sources of pictures are linked in the Railway Screen Saver Webring, created by Pierre Ofzareck. www.mm-webring.de/
A big picture database and a discussion forum can be found at Bahnschrankefrom Frank Laffin. www.bahnschranke.tt4u.de
The former collection of Stefan Fritzsch (www.bahnsachse.de), later administrated by Ronny Meyer (www.eisenbahnseite.de), first was continued by Gert Spießhofer (http://www.modellbahnsoftware.de). Now it is supported by Ulrich Grunert. http://www.eisenbahn.tk/
MM-Forum.ch www.mm-forum.ch/

Other sites offfering pictures:

Site owner URL Vehicles Date of insertion/update
Oliver Beretta www.beretta-modelle.ch/ mm-fahrzeugsammlung.html Switzerland, Germany, Austria (mainly track maintainance and service vehicles) 7.12.2005
Brian Clough www.banksofthesusquehanna.com/ MMSS.html North America
Mikkel Elling www.mikkel-elling.dk/MM.htm Denmark
Dani Egger-Jetzer www.egger-jetzer.ch/Dani.html Switzerland
Marcus Fey www.schoner.lokomotive-online.de Busses of the public transport company Solingen
René Friese www.schotterschnecke.de/lade/atw.php Tramways from Berlin (and other)
Stefan Fritzsch www.bahnsachse.de/mmsaver/index.php Germay East and other
Marc Le Gad www.mlgtraffic.net/ France
Gerard Gielis members1.chello.nl/g.gielis Two-way vehicles (and others)
Hans-Martin Hebsaker www.hmhebsaker.de/ Germany (all eras) and Europe
railway software BAHNLAND

Daniel Hentschel www.H-Transport.de.vu Germany
Fredi Huber www.swissmodell.ch/ swissmodell/team/ bildschirmschoner Switzerland
Interessengemeinschaft S-Bahn München www.igsbahn-muenchen.de/bildschirmschoner.shtml Advertising trains of suburban railway München
Peter Klarenbeek home.hccnet.nl/pj.klarenbeek Netherlands, Belgium, France
"Wuppertaler Schwebebahn"

Stephan Kyrieleis www.trampage.de/downloads_p221.html Light rail vehicles and diesel railcars from the region around Frankfurt
Peter Lipowsky traffic.tilius.de/ Germany, Sweden, Denmark
Juan Mompeán www.trenesjuan.com Spain
Pierre Ofzareck www.trainspotters.de/ Germany
Jörg Petri home.saaleplatte.de Tramways
Claus D. Pusch www.corpora-romanica.net/mm/ Spanish and french narrow gauge trains
Pierre-Noël Rietsch www.trainweb.org/railphot Switzerland
Claude Samyn home.scarlet.be/~tsd92005/ Tramways Belgium 19.9.2016
Matthias Schenkel http://www.eisenbahnen.photo/Vorwort.html Railway and tramway 5.7.2015
Jaroslav Schilhan www.volny.cz/nex/sporic/sporic.htm CD and CSD
Günter Schwindt www.guenter-schwindt.de/mm-screensaver.htm Steam locomotives
Sonobe Souan www.mars.dti.ne.jp/ ~opaku/zigzag/ railway/e/eExtraMM.html Japan
Giorgio Stagni www.miol.it/stagniweb Italy
Alexander Stannigel www.as.mm-homepage.de.vu Germany East
Zoltán Szabó www.fsz.bme.hu/traffic/www/stockg.htm All countries
"Traffic" screen saver

Jörg Thamm people.freenet.de/joethamm/ Tramways
Rob Thijs www.railtrack.nl/rai%20mm%20screensaver-uk.htm Netherlands
Kai-Uwe Thormann members.tripod.de/KaiUweThormann/ Sonder- und Spezialzüge sowie Fahrzeuge des Museums-Bw Garmisch-Partenkirchen
Tramway.dk www.tramway.dk/ Tramways from Denmark and north German cities
VEF (Verband der Eisenbahnfreunde) www.webdesign.sabor.at/ vef/MMBilschirm.htm Tramways from Vienna and other vehicles
Claudio Vianini www.claudiovianini.com Italy
Software tools to organize user defined pictures and to create train bitmaps

Martin Voepel voepelm.de Switzerland
Local railway Leer-Aurich-Wittmund
Wolfgang Wellige www.tram-muenchen.de/downloads/bitmaps.html Munich tramways
Urs Wittig www.wittigbahn.ch/ eisenbahnseite/modell/ mmrollmaterial/mmuebersicht/ mmrollmaterial.htm West switzerland

More links are welcome, please write to MMMeyer@t-online.de.

M. Meyer12.2.2019
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